All 1,932 of you have contributed $102,890 to bring Aroria to life and we here at Ink and Lyre are thankful, humbled, and motivated by your show of support. We can’t wait for all of you to adventure in Aroria and we’re extremely excited to share those experiences with you.
Tonight, 8/20 at 9:00 PM CST, Ink and Lyre will be live on Twitch applying the Zodiac Character creation system to our characters from Fate’s End. Fate’s End is an actual play of Stargazer’s Guide to Aroria and the flagship program of our Twitch channel. You can see us every Monday at 7:30 CST and catch up on previous episodes on our Youtube.

The cast will be revealing their Zodiac Signs, rolling for their Rulerships, and finding out what benefits and detriments their characters have uncovered. So, come hang out, chat with the cast and creators of SGtA and see exactly how this system works.
Hope to See You There!
The Ink and Lyre Team